[Jquery,CoffeeScript] Sorting a Select box using Jquery, Coffeescript
It’s a simple code for ‘Sorting a select box’ using jquery, coffeescript
I tried to find coffeescript code for sorting a select box.
But I didn’t find it.
Cause I just wrote own sorting select box code using jquery and coffeescript.
Copy and Paste below sorting select box coffeescript code and use it Freely.:D
Jquery, Coffeescript를 이용한 Select box 정렬 함수 입니다.
Simple Select Sorting Code (CoffeeScript Version)
#--Simple Select Sorting Method. (S3M:D)--
#selectTagId <select id="selectTagId"></select>
#sortBy [0:Text, 1:Value] - default:0
#order[0:Ascending, 1:Descending] - default:0
#sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId",1,1) sortBy Value in Descending order
#sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId",1) sortBy Value in Ascending order
#sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId") sortBy Text in Ascending order
#by JoongSeob Vito Kim - http://dorajistyle.pe.kr
sortingSelectBox = (selectBoxId,sortBy,order) ->
sortBy ?= 0
order ?= 0
sortVal = 0
if order is 1 then sortVal = 2
orderValLeft = -1 + sortVal
orderValRight = 1 - sortVal
selectBox = $("select#"+selectBoxId)
options = $("select#"+selectBoxId+" option")
selectedVal = selectBox.val()
sortedOption = options.clone()
switch sortBy
when 0
leftText = left.text.toLowerCase()
rightText = right.text.toLowerCase()
if leftText < rightText then return orderValLeft
if leftText is rightText then return 0
leftVal = left.value
rightVal = right.value
if leftVal < rightVal then return orderValLeft
if leftVal is rightVal then return 0
Simple Select Sorting Code (JavaScript Version)
//Simple Select Sorting Method. (S3M:D)
//selectTagId <select id="selectTagId"></select>
//sortBy [0:Text, 1:Value] - default:0
//order[0:Ascending, 1:Descending] - default:0
//sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId",1,1) sortBy Value in Descending order
//sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId",1) sortBy Value in Ascending order
//sortingSelectBox("mySelectTagId") sortBy Text in Ascending order
//by JoongSeob Vito Kim - http://dorajistyle.pe.kr
sortingSelectBox = function(selectBoxId, sortBy, order) {
var options, orderValLeft, orderValRight, selectBox, selectedVal, sortVal, sortedOption;
if (sortBy != null) {
} else {
sortBy = 0;
if (order != null) {
} else {
order = 0;
sortVal = 0;
if (order === 1) {
sortVal = 2;
orderValLeft = -1 + sortVal;
orderValRight = 1 - sortVal;
selectBox = $("select#" + selectBoxId);
options = $("select#" + selectBoxId + " option");
selectedVal = selectBox.val();
sortedOption = options.clone();
switch (sortBy) {
case 0:
sortedOption.sort(function(left, right) {
var leftText, rightText;
leftText = left.text.toLowerCase();
rightText = right.text.toLowerCase();
if (leftText < rightText) {
return orderValLeft;
if (leftText === rightText) {
return 0;
return orderValRight;
sortedOption.sort(function(left, right) {
var leftVal, rightVal;
leftVal = left.value;
rightVal = right.value;
if (leftVal < rightVal) {
return orderValLeft;
if (leftVal === rightVal) {
return 0;
return orderValRight;
return selectBox.val(selectedVal);
by 月風